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Wave 2024/2025 Registration

Team Fee: $4,096 - plus uniform fees


Team Fees Outlined:

  • $785 deposit due upon acceptance to the program

  • 7 equal pmts of $473 beginning Oct 1 and ending April 1

  • separate uniform fee TBD



Training Only Fee: $2,507


Training Only Fees Outlined:

  • $785 deposit due upon acceptance to the program

  • 6 equal pmts of $287 beginning Oct 1 and ending March 1



All fees are non-refundable. This includes the deposit, all monthly payments, and uniform fees. 

Player Information

Parent Information

Please download the waiver and refund policy below, then upload a signed copy.

Upload File

Please select what you would like to pay:

Thanks for registering! Check your inbox for a confirmation email.

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